Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Health Update on Debbie

As a Sarcoidosis patient for the last 5 years,(yes its been that long), I have come to the realization that some days just don't work as well as others. Lots of factors determine how I feel from day to day. Weather fronts, temperature extremes, stress levels are most of the culprits that effect me in a negative way. I have been very blessed during this journey to have many people praying for me and my faith in Jesus Christ has seen me through to date. He IS Jehovah Rapha:The Lord who heals, to me and I bless His name daily!!! (Exodus 15:25)

Some of you know that I have been taking an experimental medication which helps keep my lungs more pliable and enables me to breath, and it makes me feel so much better. This year I had to stop receiving this treatment due to insurance issues. This medication is VERY expensive to the tune of around $1000.00 per week. It is considered "life sustaining" in my specific situation. Due to insurance changes, it is no longer covered. February of this year was my last treatment and I was told that I would start slowing loosing the battle I have been winning if I stopped the treatments. My breathing capacities were all normal in March and I was for the first time in "remission" since I began my fight.

I have been feeling a tad worse by the day, so I went today to see my Pulmonologist and get her advice and my breathing checked. Sometimes I think this is all in my head! Well, its not! Since March of this year my numbers have plummeted from the mid to high 80 range (and a few in the 90's) to now in the mid to low 60 range. In the words of my doctor...NOT GOOD! One test I scored so low in that it didn't even register.

I have the Georgia insurance commissioner and our wonderful Governor working to help resolve this delicate matter. Hopefully with any luck and lots of prayers, we can get something resolved and I can restart my medication soon. If not, I pray that I will be found gracious and glorifying my Lord till the end. I wanted to thank everyone for your continued prayers and support as I strive to stay strong through my journey. I am daily reminded of how precious life and breath are and just how much my heavenly Father loves me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Deb! So glad to see you are blogging! Didn't like to hear your #'s were so low.... I think of you often and wonder how you are doing.. apparently, not good. No oxygen yet, I hope! I keep you in my prayers always. He knows you and is watching over you... of course, you already know that.. I just wanted to remind me of that, too! You are the best! Love you!
